Choosing a Compact Cameras
Compact cameras have a number of different specifications some are useful some not so.
Megapixels - there is a misconception that the more megapixels the better the camera, this is not necessarily the case because of the small size of a compact cameras sensor putting a lot of megapixels onto it can cause the image to be noisy (little coloured dots) and not that sharp. A 7mp and above sensor can give a good A4 sized picture if taken in the right conditions.
Zoom – The thing to look for is an ‘optical’ zoom this is a zoom created by moving the lens elements some cameras offer a ‘digital’ zoom all this does is blow up the central part of the image. This creates a much poorer picture and should be avoided. Another issue is the zoom size again bigger is not always better the longer the zoom the harder it is to keep it steady.
Image Stabalisation – This is when the camera performs an action to help with camera movement during exposure. It does it in different ways either by moving the lens elements or the sensor the other way that it can do it is to increase the sensitivity of the sensor to increase the shutter speed the problem with the last one is that it causes noise again (see megapixels)
Best advice is read up on reviews online before parting with your cash a big name does not always guarantee the best camera.
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