
Saturday, 2 November 2013

Catherine and Bethany Studio style shoot

Just a few of the shots from the shoot thought that i would initially show our excellent makeup artist Beth preping Cath for the shoot. She did a great job both makeup and modelling. As did Cath a natural poser ;) .
I will add some of the shoot pics to a later post but you can see them on my website
if you really cant wait :).

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Protecting Images addendum

On thing i should have mentioned was that some cameras can be set to put this information on as the picture is shot, The only way to tell is to check your cameras instructions. This would of course be much quicker if possible.
It may also be possible to do this with mobile phones but i am unaware how but im sure it will be on the internet somewhere if you check your search engine.

Protect your pictures

If you have read the Facebook post you will be aware of the risk you are at due to the government basically sanctioning theft. It is impossible to completely protect your pictures but hopefully these ideas will help a little.
The best way of protecting your pictures is to add copyright and contact information to the Metadata (information stored on every image file). There are many ways of doing this but i will use a free program to do it.
The programme is called Faststone Image Viewer and can be found by typing this into your search engine. This programme can be downloaded and used for free (a donation can be given).
To add the information to the Metadata first highlight your image then select the view menu and click on file properties go to the details tab and click, the second section down is called origin , You will see that authors name is usually blank if you click on the word author it opens a box into which you can type your name. Once done click on the copyright box and you can add your copyright info. (the copyright logo © can be found by pressing Alt while holding down press 0169 on the number keyboard) You need to add a way you can be contacted or whoever can still assume ownership. If you do not have a website it may be worth creating an email just or this purpose eg: © always add the year. Once you have done this click apply at the bottom and your information will be added to the metadata.
This is not a perfect protection as it can be removed by unscrupulous people but it helps.

The other form of protection is the watermark which goes across the image. I will write another post on this process soon.

This is a relatively slow way to do this if you are adding a number of images but it is free, A quick search of the internet should come up with much faster ways of adding this information. How you do it is not important but doing it is. If the government has no desire to protect your images you need to do so.

Doing this in no way guarantees the safety of your images im afraid

All information here is based on a PC im sorry but i dont know about Macs but it will be possible.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Horrocks family shoot 2

Some more images from the shoot. Sharing the love with Katie :)

Horrocks family shoot 1

Some images from a recent shoot with twins and their sister. All natural light and reflector no flash never done this before but some nice images i think. Helps to have good models though and these three were great. Thanks girls

Mill shoot

Some images at an old mill camera one flash was good fun if a bit smelly the mill not Lauren :)

Station shoot

Some images from a local station with our model Lauren trying out some off camera flash and wide angle techniques

Monday, 25 February 2013

Lauren at Slattocks

To be honest we only did this shoot because we were bored, however it turned out ok. Went light Panasonic G2 and 20mm lens. sun was a bit bright and contrasty but overall not bad. some nice images, Plus fresh air cant be bad.